Howling Woods Farm Fundraisers

Declan’s Bar Mitzvah Fundraiser

Hello, this is Declan. I am turning 13 soon, and for my Bar Mitzvah project I am going to be making dog toys and selling them. All the money that I make will be donated to the Howling Woods Farm, a local, non-profit, volunteer organization that helps animals called wolfdogs (dogs with a higher percentage of wolf in their DNA than most other dogs). The Howling Woods Farm helps these wolfdogs by giving them food, open space to roam, and veterinary care. You can also visit Howling Woods farm to take a tour and meet the ambassador wolfdogs and learn all about them. Please consider making a donation to Howling Woods Farms for my Bar Mitzvah project. Thank you for helping the Howling Woods Farms and the Wolf Dogs! I appreciate your support for my bar Mitzvah project. Donate Today!